GBUZ VO "Murom Central District Hospital" is an interdistrict medical and diagnostic center providing specialized medical care according to the profiles: "cardiology", "neurology", "traumatology and orthopedics", "urology", "ophthalmology" and other. The institution has 14 inpatient departments for the provision of specialized medical care.
The institution has a centralized clinical diagnostic laboratory, which conducts research for outpatient patients of other medical institutions. A wide range of studies are performed in the multispiral tomography room, including studies with contrast enhancement. The blood transfusion department provides blood products to 6 medical organizations of the Murom district and the Murom district.
A global trend is the development of minimally invasive interventions that provide a full-fledged end result. In practice, minimally invasive surgical interventions are actively used in the urological, traumatology and urological departments of the Murom Central District Hospital.
In recent years, methods of laparoscopic surgery, joint replacement, and endoscopic operations on organs of the genitourinary system have been developed and successfully applied.
In the traumatology department, high-tech joint prosthetics operations are performed, the technique of osteosynthesis for metaphysical femoral fractures by the TrigenMeta Nail system has been introduced. High-tech surgeries have the advantage of reducing pain, reducing the time of hospitalization, and improving the functional result.
The urology department performs a wide range of high-tech endoscopic operations performed for urolithiasis and pathology of the genitourinary system. Operations are performed using a medical laser.
Such operations have become possible thanks to the use of new medical equipment and the latest endoscopic techniques.
New operational complexes have improved the quality of operational assistance and expanded its capabilities. The use of high-tech endovideosurgical methods for the treatment of urological and surgical pathology is expanding.
The institution has opened a regional vascular center to provide the most modern care for patients with stroke and myocardial infarction, the fastest possible delivery of patients for timely treatment, including systemic thrombolysis.
The hospital carries out a wide range of diagnostic studies and medical procedures.
One of the conditions for maintaining health is regular preventive examinations, which allows you to identify and, in some situations, prevent the development of diseases in time. A check-up is a set of diagnostic measures carried out to check the patient's body. Today, check-ups have become a part of the lives of many people striving for a healthy and long life. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, it is recommended to undergo comprehensive preventive check-ups for everyone from the age of 40 on an annual basis. In particular, regular check-ups are recommended for patients who have chronic diseases, lead a sedentary lifestyle, have bad habits and are prone to frequent stress.
You can go through the following check-ups at Murom Central Hospital:
Basic check-up
- identification of risk factors for diseases and asymptomatic diseases;
- examination of most body systems to confirm or exclude primary complaints;
- control and correction of treatment of chronic diseases.
Cancer check-up
- detection of benign and malignant tumors in the early stages;
- obtaining an expert opinion;
- clarification of the diagnosis in order to prescribe more effective treatment.
Chief doctor Kotrova Marina Igorevna
Contacts: Murom Central District Hospital
602256 Vladimir region, Murom, 11A Voykova Street
8 (49234) 3-14-85
The list of GBUZ VO "Murom Central District Hospital" employees who speak foreign languages at a conversational level:
Deputy Chief doctor - Alexander Sergeevich Shilkin
Head of the Traumatology Department - Alexey Yurievich Minervin